Thursday, October 8, 2009

A reply to a YouTube blog post that got a little... yeah.

This is the full version of something I posted as a reply to something on YouTube's blog. I'm extremely tired now and decided that the big poorly written misplaced second half of the post would look terrible on that blog post.


Group two all the way...

I've suggested before to do what the first commenter said.

I'd like to rearrange the video page like the homepage, and maybe even rearrange others' channels for my personal viewing. (But that would work best with the old channels. A LOT of things would, hint hint hint.) Of course, those channels would always have an option to prevent others' custom layouts if they want their info displayed in a specific order. I might like the comments where the description is or something along those lines... maybe put the description above the video...

Also, I think it would be cool to customize our video pages like our channels, again with the option of preventing others from messing with the layout of a specific video. Maybe even select a player size, or have videos share a page. I think it could open up a whole new world of creativity... Example: Maybe you could make a video family tree by uploading a tree background and putting videos of different family members on the branches.

You know, I think I'd like to just type out my dream YouTube setup right here... This blog post got me thinking. Unfortunately, it's going to be 3 AM and I'm making typos and mixing tenses and not grammerrring too good. Oh well! :P At the very top of the page would be the same Upload button, History, link to my channel, etc. I'd have my front page modules appear two to four at a time (Depending on size) right under that. I can cycle through them with left and right arrows, like you do with the related videos in the player after the video. Underneath the modules is the channel I'm looking at. In my setup, pretty much everything is on the same page. All the channel's info (Plus friends, subscribers, subscriptions, channel comments...) is to the left, while the videos are to the right. The right side is basically a full video page in something similar to the 2.0 channel player format. The video I want to watch is right there with the current view/rating counter and favorite/share/etc. buttons. I can go through pages of comments under that, maybe leave one of my own, then hit a left/right arrow and see the Statistics and Data info as well as related videos, responses, and a few featured videos. Clicking on the arrow again would show me a few of the user's other videos like the "More From" box (With a little more info), and from there I could click "See all" and go through pages of 20 videos at a time. I could also see the user's favorites and playlists right there, AND search the site. The next click of the arrow would loop back to the video comments. [[[Side note - Some new things I'd like to see in comments: Search, rating given to the video by the commenter shown, Sort by thumb score/author/date/rating given/etc., Report, and the option to show a pop-up mini channel for the user with just the person's info and video player.]]] If I clicked "Show all comments", instead of loading everything on the right, it would expand the page and show the comments like the current "Show All" page. I could easily click "Back" and the channel page would be right there again. Clicking on someone's username would load his/her colors and userpage info, plus layout if the person has it locked.

I think I'll split the rest of this up into pieces:

All modules, comments, and other things would update themselves every 30 seconds or so. I could turn it off by unchecking one little check box in my profile options, which would open up right above my modules.

People can make video pages unique. The custom layouts (Such as the "Family Tree" example I gave) would load like the "Show All Comments" button.

The upload box would appear above the modules like the profile options box. History and Subscriptions too, but they'd likely need more room.

Eh, throw in a better forum and a "Chat with friends" thing too. Let us be communicate, surely!


I forgot the other front page stuff. (Inbox, About You, What's New...) Maybe put it in a drop-down above the modules, automatically shown when you first log in.

The bottom of the page is just the way it is now. Not really much of a point to changing it.

Okay, too tired to think now...

There you have it. I'll post things on this blog when posty stuff think to post remember post thing. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz can't think

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